Guile-pg Command Reference


Guile-pg is a Guile module providing a set of procedures to allow access to the PostgreSQL RDBMS from Scheme programs.

Guile is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language: a dialect of Lisp. PostgreSQL is a free SQL database management system. Guile-pg is intended as but one of the low-level drivers for the forthcoming Guile database module which will provide a portable interface to many different SQL database servers. In the mean-time it will still be a useful module for those who want just a low-level interface to PostgreSQL.

The Guile-pg procedures have an almost one-one correspondence with the PostgreSQL libpq C library interface so those familiar with the libpq library and other similar interfaces like Edmund Mergl's Pg Perl module will find it familiar.

Guile-pg is based on Russ McManus's "Sybase glue" code.


To access a PostgreSQL database from Guile, first load the postgres database module. This is done using the use-modules syntax:

     (use-modules (database postgres))

The next step is to make a connection to the database using the pg-connectdb procedure. Then, having created a valid connection to a database server, we can use the pg-exec procedure to execute queries and the other pg- procedures to retrieve the results of the queries.

The following Guile session opens a connection and executes an SQL statement on the test database on the default host (either localhost or the host specified in the PGHOST environment variable.)

guile> (use-modules (database postgres)) 
guile> (define test (pg-connectdb "dbname=test"))
guile> test
guile> (define result (pg-exec test "SELECT * FROM PEOPLE"))
guile> result

The test object is a PG-CONN type representing the database connection. Displaying the PG-CONN object shows that the serial number of the connection is 1, that the database name is test on the default host (the hostname field is empty) on port number 5432 and that the default options were passed to the backend. This object is passed to pg-exec which returns a PG-RESULT object representing the result of the SQL statement executed on the server. In this case, displaying the PG-RESULT object shows us that the serial number of the result is 2, that the return code from the database was PGRES_TUPLES_OK and that we have received 3 tuples with 5 fields.

Having obtained a result object from the database we can find out how many rows and how many columns are in the result. We can also find out the names of the columns:

guile> (pg-ntuples result)
guile> (pg-nfields result)
guile> (pg-fname result 0)
guile> (pg-fname result 1)

To retrieve the data from the result we use the pg-getvalue procedure. This takes a result object along with the row and column numbers and returns a string containing that value. pg-getvalue always returns a string: it is up to the caller to convert this to whatever type they require.

guile> (pg-getvalue result 0 0)
guile> (pg-getvalue result 0 1)
guile> (pg-getvalue result 1 0)
guile> (pg-getvalue result 1 1)
"Eva Lu"

Guile-pg connections are closed when Guile's garbage collector collects the discarded object. This only happens when the connection itself and all of the results of pg-exec are unreachable. So to close the connection we just rebind the results from that connection and the connection symbol itself:

guile> (define result '())
guile> (define test '())

Typically though the result and connection variables will be let bindings so the connection will usually be closed soon after the body of the let returns.


This section specifies the procedures that guile-pg provides to access databases. To access the module, Guile programs must either be run under the guile-pg executable, which is a Guile interpreter statically linked with the guile-pg interface and the libpq library, or they must be run under the ordinary Guile interpreter guile and dynamically load the shared library which implements the module. To do this, use the (use-modules ...) procedure as follows:

(use-modules (database postgres))

After which the pg- procedures will be accessable.

Functions for managing connections

Function: pg-connectdb connect-string
Open a connection to a database. connect-string should be a string consisting of zero or more space-separated name=value pairs. If the value contains spaces it must be enclosed in single quotes and any single quotes appearing in the value must be escaped using backslashes. Backslashes appearing in the value must similarly be escaped. Note that if the connect-string is a Guile string literal then all the backslashes will themselves require to be escaped a second time. The name strings can be any of:
The host-name or dotted-decimal IP address of the host on which the postmaster is running. If no host= sub-string is given then the host is assumed to be the value of the environment variable PGHOST or the local host if PGHOST is not defined.
The TCP or Unix socket on which the backend is listening. If this is not specified then the value of the PGHOST environment variable is used. If that too is not defined then the default port 5432 is assumed.
A string containing the options to the backend server. The options given here are in addition to the options given by the environment variable PGOPTIONS. The options string should be a set of command line switches as would be passed to the backend. See the postgres (1) man page for more details.
A string defining the file or device on which error messages from the backend are to be displayed. If this is empty ("") then the environment variable PGTTY is checked. If the specified tty is a file then the file will be readable only by the user the postmaster runs as (usually postgres). Similarly, if the specified tty is a device then it must have permissions allowing the postmaster user to write to it.
The name of the database. If no dbname= sub-string is given then the database name is assumed to be that given by the value of the PGDATABASE environment variable, or the USER environment variable if the PGDATABASE environment variable is not defined. If the USER environment variable is not specified either then the value of the user option is taken as the database name.
The login name of the user to authenticate. If none is given then the PGUSER environment variable is checked. If that is not given then the login of the user owning the process is used.
The password. Whether or not this is used depends upon the contents of the pg_hba.conf file. See the pg_hba.conf (5) man page for details.
This must be set to password if password authentication is in use, otherwise it must not be specified.


(define (user-count host)
  (let* ((conn (pg-connectdb
                     "host=" host 
                     " port=5432 dbname=template1")))
         (result (pg-exec conn
                    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_user")))
        (if (and result 
                 (eq? (pg-result-status result) 
            (string->number (pg-getvalue result 0 0))

Function: pg-reset conn
Resets the connection with the backend. Equivalent to closing the connection and re-opening it again with the same connect options as given to pg-connectdb. conn must be a valid PG_CONN object returned by pg-connectdb.

Function: pg-get-db conn
Returns a string containing the name of the database to which conn represents a connection.

Function: pg-get-user conn
Returns a string containing the user name used to authenticate the connection conn.

Function: pg-get-pass conn
Returns a string containing the password used to authenticate the connection conn.

Function: pg-get-host conn
Returns a string containing the name of the host to which conn represents a connection.

Function: pg-get-port conn
Returns a string containing the port number to which conn represents a connection.

Function: pg-get-tty conn
Returns a string containing the the name of the diagnostic tty for conn.

Function: pg-get-options conn
Returns a string containing the the options string for conn.

Function: pg-backend-pid conn
Returns an integer which is the the PID of the backend process for conn.

Function: pg-get-client-data conn
Returns the the client data associated with conn.

Function: pg-set-client-data! conn data
Associates data with conn.


The following is a set of three procedures which implement a database connection object that logs all the SQL statements it executes.

(define (pg-connectdb-logged options)
  (let ((conn (pg-connectdb options)))
       (if conn (begin (pg-set-client-data! conn '())

(define (pg-exec-logged conn sql)
  (pg-set-client-data! conn
                         (pg-get-client-data conn)
                         (list sql)))
  (pg-exec conn sql))

(define (pg-conn-log conn)
  (pg-get-client-data conn))

Miscellaneous Functions

Function: pg-guile-pg-loaded
Returns #t indicating that the binary part of guile-pg is loaded. Thus to test if guile-pg is loaded, use
(defined? 'pg-guile-pg-loaded)


This function is guaranteed to be present in all future versions of guile-pg.

Function: pg-guile-pg-version
Returns a string giving the version of guile-pg. The string is always of the form "M.m" giving major and minor versions.

Function: pg-guile-pg-module-version
Returns a string giving the version of the scheme module postgres.scm. The string is always of the form "M.m" giving major and minor versions. Unless something is wrong with the installation, this should be the same as pg-guile-pg-version.

Function: pg-guile-pg-module-config-stamp
Returns a string containing the date and time at which guile-pg was configured (this is probably the build time.)

Function: pg-trace conn port
Starts outputting low-level trace information on the connection conn to port, which must have been opened for writing. This trace is more useful for debugging Postgres than it is for debugging applications. The return value is unspecified.


This example defines a pair of procedures pg-trace-on and pg-trace-off which implement a higher-level trace function which opens the required file and starts/stops the trace.

(define (pg-trace-on conn filename)
  (let ((port (open-file filename "w")))
       (pg-set-client-data! conn port)
       (pg-trace conn port)))

(define (pg-trace-off conn)
  (let ((port (pg-get-client-data conn)))
    (if port 
           (close-port port)
           (pg-untrace conn))

Function: pg-untrace conn
Stops tracing on a given connection. The return value is unspecified.

Functions for Retrieving Data

Function: pg-exec conn statement
Executes the SQL string statement on a given connection (conn,) returning either a PG_RESULT object containing a pg-result-status or #f if an error occurred, in which case the error message can be obtained using pg-error-message, passing it the PG_CONN object on which the statement was attempted. Note that the error message is available only until the next call to pg-exec on this connection.


This example defines a function pg-execute which wraps pg-exec so that a misc-error is thrown instead of returning false. There are numerous other examples of pg-exec calls throughout this chapter.

(define (pg-execute conn sql)
  (let ((result (pg-exec conn sql)))
       (if result result
         (error (pg-error-message conn)))))


The entire result set is returned at once from a call to to pg-exec. If a SELECT results in a very large number of tuples then this can be a problem because it requires a large amount of memory. In these cases it is better to DECLARE a cursor over the SELECT and retrive small numbers of rows at a time using FETCH. These commands can only be issued between BEGIN TRANSACTION/END TRANSACTION pairs. See the PostgreSQL declare (l) and fetch (l) man pages for more details.

Function: pg-error-message conn
Returns the most-recent error message that occurred on this connection, or an empty string if the previous pg-exec succeeded.

Function: pg-result-status result
Returns the integer status of a PG_RESULT object returned by pg-exec. One of:
The statement returned zero or more tuples. The number of fields and tuples returned can be determined from calls to pg-nfields and pg-ntuples respectively. The value of a given attribute (field) of a given tuple can be determined by calling pg-getvalue.
The statement was a command (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE etc.), which was executed without error. The number of tuples affected by the command can be determined by a call to pg-cmdtuples.
It is not known under which circumstances this result-status is returned.
The statement was a COPY <table> TO stdout. The data can be read using pg-getline.
The statement was a COPY <table> FROM stdin. The rows should be written using pg-putline.
This occurs when the libpq interface receives an unexpected response from the backend. It indicates a problem with Postgres.
It is not known under which circumstances this result-status is returned.
The command was not executable for some reason. This is the returned status when a syntax error is detected in the command, for example.


This contrived example defines a procedure to insert records into a given table, returning the number of tuples inserted (always one) or #f if an error occurred.

(define (pg-insert conn table record)  
  (let ((result (pg-exec conn 
                  (string-append "INSERT INTO "
                                 " VALUES "
       (if (and result 
                (eq? (pg-result-status result)
           (string->number (pg-cmdtuples result))

The procedure could be called as follows

(pg-insert conn "people" "('Warbucks', 'Oliver')")

Function: pg-get-connection result
Returns the PG_CONN object representing the connection from which a result was returned.

Function: pg-binary-tuples? result
Returns #t if result contains binary tuple data, #f otherwise.

Function: pg-fmod result field-number
Returns the integer type-specific modification data for the given field (field-number) of result.

Function: pg-ntuples result
Returns the number of tuples in result.

Function: pg-nfields result
Returns the number of fields in result.

Function: pg-cmdtuples result
Returns the number of tuples affected by a command. This is a string which is empty in the case of commands like CREATE TABLE, GRANT, REVOKE etc. which don't affect tuples.

Function: pg-oid-status result
Returns a string which contains the integer OID (greater than or equal to 0) of the tuple inserted, or is empty if the command to which result pertains was not INSERT.

NOTE: This function is deprecated. Use pg-oid-value instead.

Function: pg-oid-value result
If the result is that of an SQL INSERT command, this function returns the integer OID of the inserted tuple, otherwise it returns #f.

Function: pg-fname result field-number
Returns a string containing the canonical lower-case name of the field field-number in result. SQL variables and field names are not case-sensitive.

Function: pg-fnumber result field-name
Returns the integer field-number corresponding to field-name if this exists in result, or -1 otherwise.

Function: pg-getvalue result tuple field-number
Returns a string containing the value of the attribute field-number, tuple tuple of result. It is up to the caller to convert this to the required type.

This example defines a procedure pg-gettuple which returns a given tuple as an alist, keyed on the field name. It's not an especially efficient procedure because it constructs the list of field-names afresh each time it's called.

(define (pg-fnames result)
  (let ((nfields (pg-nfields result)))
    (define (iter i)
      (if (= i nfields) '()
          (cons (pg-fname result i) (iter (+ i 1)))))
    (iter 0)))

(define (pg-getvalues result tuple)
  (let ((nfields (pg-nfields result)))
    (define (iter i)
      (if (= i nfields) '()
          (cons (pg-getvalue result tuple i) (iter (+ i 1)))))
    (iter 0)))

(define (pg-gettuple result tuple)
  (map (lambda (n v) (cons (string->symbol n) v))
       (pg-fnames result)
       (pg-getvalues result tuple)))

Field values can be extracted from the tuple using assq-ref, eg:

(define tup (pg-gettuple result 0))
(assq-ref tup 'firstname)

Using this procedure we can define a version of for-each which iterates through the tuples returned from a given SELECT query:

(define (pg-for-each proc result)
  (let ((ntuples (pg-ntuples result)))
    (define (iter i)
      (cond ((= i ntuples) ntuples)
            (else (proc (pg-gettuple result i))
                  (iter (+ i 1)))))
    (iter 0)))

This implementation of pg-for-each inherits inefficiency from the pg-gettuple procedure.


The pg-getvalue procedure throws out-of-range errors if either the tuple or field-number arguments are out of range.

Function: pg-getisnull result tuple field-number
Returns #t if the attribute is NULL, #f otherwise.

Function: pg-ftype result field-number
Returns the PostgreSQL internal integer representation of the type of the given attribute. The integer is actually an OID (object ID) which can be used as the primary key to reference a tuple from the system table pg_type. A misc-error is thrown if the field-number is not valid for the given result.

Example This defines a procedure pg-ftype-name which returns the type name of a given attribute in a string.

A more efficient implementation would be to define a type of connection which, when opened, issued the query to retrieve the pg_type system table once. An alist for looking up type names could then be associated with each connection using pg-set-client-data!.

(define (pg-ftype-name result fnum)
  (let ((result (pg-exec
                  (pg-get-connection result)
                    "SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid = "
                       (pg-ftype result fnum))))))
       (if (and
             (eq? (pg-result-status result) PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
             (> (pg-ntuples result) 0))
           (pg-getvalue result 0 0)

Function: pg-fsize result field-number
Returns the size of a given attribute in bytes, or -1 if the field is variable-length.

Function: pg-getlength result tuple field-number
The size of the datum in bytes.

Functions for Copying Data

Function: pg-getline conn
Reads a line from a connection on which a COPY <table> TO STDOUT has been issued. Returns a string from the connection. If the returned string consists of only a backslash followed by a full stop, then the results from the COPY command have all been read and pg-endcopy should be called to resynchronise the connection before any further calls to pg-exec on this connection.

Example This example defines a procedure pg-copy-to-port which can be used to retrieve the results of a COPY <table> TO STDOUT command.

(define (pg-copy-to-port conn port)
  (define (iter)
    (let ((line (pg-getline conn)))
         (if (string=? line "\\.")
             (pg-endcopy conn)
             (begin (write-line line port)


It is an error to call pg-getline on a connection without first executing a COPY <table> TO STDOUT command on that connection. It is also an error to call pg-getline after a terminating line has been received, without an intervening COPY command being issued on that connection.

Function: pg-putline conn string
Writes a line to the connection on which a COPY <table> FROM STDIN has been issued. The lines written should include the final newline characters.

The last line should be a backslash, followed by a full-stop. After this, the pg-endcopy procedure should be called for this connection before any further pg-exec call is made. The return value is undefined.


This example defines a procedure pg-copy-from-port which can be used to supply data to a COPY <table> TO STDIN command.

(define (pg-copy-from-port conn port)
  (define (iter)
    (let ((line (read-line port)))
         (if (eof-object? line)
             (begin (pg-putline conn "\\.\n")
                    (pg-endcopy conn))
             (begin (pg-putline conn line)
                    (pg-putline conn "\n")
                    (if (string=? line "\\.")
                        (pg-endcopy conn)

Function: pg-endcopy conn
Resynchronises with the backend process. This procedure must be called after the last line of a table has been transferred using pg-getline or Returns an integer: zero if successful, non-zero otherwise.

Functions for Managing Large Objects


All of the operations on large objects must be carried out inside a BEGIN TRANSACTION/END TRANSACTION pair. Failure to do this will result in a loss of synchronisation between the backend and the libpq library, resulting in an unusable connection to the database, and possible corruption of data.

Function: pg-lo-creat conn modes
Creates a new large object and opens a port over it for reading and/or writing. modes is a string describing the mode in which the port is to be opened. The mode string must include one of "r" for reading, "w" for writing or "a" for append (but since the object is empty to start with this is the same as "w".) The return value is a large object port which can be used to read or write data to/from the object, or #f on failure in which case pg-error-message from the connection should give some idea of what happened.

In addition to returning #f on failure this procedure throws a misc-error if the modes string is invalid.

Function: pg-lo-open conn oid modes
Opens a port over an existing large object. The port can be used to read or write data from/to the object. oid should be an integer identifier representing the large object. modes must be a string describing the mode in which the port is to be opened. The mode string must include one of r for reading, w for writing, a for append or + with any of the above indicating both reading and writing/appending. A is equivalent to opening the port for writing and immediately doing a (pg-lo-seek) to the end. The return value is either an open large object port or #f on failure in which case pg-error-message from the connection should give some idea of what happened.

Notes This procedure throws a misc-error exception if the modes string is invalid.

Function: pg-lo-unlink conn oid
Deletes the large object identified by oid. Returns #t if the object was successfully deleted, #f otherwise, in which case pg-error-message applied to conn should give an idea of what went wrong.

Function: pg-lo-get-connection port
Returns the connection associated with a given large object port. Port must be a large object port returned from pg-lo-creat or pg-lo-open.

Function: pg-lo-get-oid port
Returns the integer identifier of the object to which a given port applies. Port must be a large object port returned from pg-lo-creat or pg-lo-open.

Function: pg-lo-tell port
Returns the position of the file pointer for the given large object port. Port must be a large object port returned from pg-lo-creat or pg-lo-open. The return value is either an integer greater than or equal to zero or #f if an error occurred. In the latter case pg-error-message applied to conn should explain what went wrong.

Function: pg-lo-seek port where whence
Sets the position of the next read or write to/from the given large object port. Port must be a large object port returned from pg-lo-creat or pg-lo-open. Where is the position to set the pointer. Whence must be one of
Relative to the beginning of the file.
Relative to the current position.
Relative to the end of the file.

The return value is an integer which is the new position relative to the beginning of the object, or a number less than zero if an error occurred.

Notes It is possible to seek beyond the end of file opened only for reading. In which case subsequent reads of the port will return an EOF object.

Function: pg-lo-read size number port
Reads number objects each of length size from port. Returns a string containing the data read from the port or #f if an error occurred.

Function: pg-lo-import conn filename
Creates a new large object and loads it with the contents of the specified file. Filename must be a string containing the name of the file to be loaded into the new object. The function returns the integer identifier (OID) of the newly created large object, or #f if an error occurred, in which case pg-error-message should be consulted to determine the failure.

Function: pg-lo-export conn oid filename
Write the contents of a given large object to a file. Oid is the integer identifying the large object to be exported and filename the name of the file to contain the object data. The function returns #t on success, #f otherwise, in which case pg-error-message may offer an explanation of the failure.

Concept Index

Jump to:

Function Index

Jump to: p


  • pg-backend-pid
  • pg-binary-tuples?
  • pg-cmdtuples
  • pg-connectdb
  • pg-endcopy
  • pg-error-message
  • pg-exec
  • pg-fmod
  • pg-fname
  • pg-fnumber
  • pg-fsize
  • pg-ftype
  • pg-get-client-data
  • pg-get-connection
  • pg-get-db
  • pg-get-host
  • pg-get-options
  • pg-get-pass
  • pg-get-port
  • pg-get-tty
  • pg-get-user
  • pg-getisnull
  • pg-getlength
  • pg-getline
  • pg-getvalue
  • pg-guile-pg-loaded
  • pg-guile-pg-module-config-stamp
  • pg-guile-pg-module-version
  • pg-guile-pg-version
  • pg-lo-creat
  • pg-lo-export
  • pg-lo-get-connection
  • pg-lo-get-oid
  • pg-lo-import
  • pg-lo-open
  • pg-lo-read
  • pg-lo-seek
  • pg-lo-tell
  • pg-lo-unlink
  • pg-nfields
  • pg-ntuples
  • pg-oid-status
  • pg-oid-value
  • pg-putline
  • pg-reset
  • pg-result-status
  • pg-set-client-data!
  • pg-trace
  • pg-untrace

  • This document was generated on 8 July 2000 using texi2html 1.56k.